In 1915 Hetty Jane Dunaway embarked on a dream that would forever inspire, entertain, and educate all of those who were fortunate enough to visit her masterpiece “Dunaway Gardens.” Dunaway was a training ground for musicals and live performances that traveled America from 1915 to 1955.
Walt & Roy Disney, Minnie Pearl, Tallulah Bankhead, and many more were frequent guests. THEATER, MUSIC, DANCE! Dunaway was an entertainment Mecca. A 1000 seat amphitheater, a 300-seat theater, historic gardens, lodge, cabins, restaurant, and tea farm.
In honor of one woman’s dream, today the new ownership have the vision, imagination, and fortitude to not only advance Hetty Jane’s vision but elevate that vision to the present.
Dunaway Gardens is a magical historic landmark that stands still in time for some but explodes with dreams and possibilities for others.