Located in East Point, Georgia, The R.I.S.E Schools are free public charter schools that are committed to preparing all our scholars for future success beginning on day one. While our ultimate goal is to prepare scholars for success in college and beyond, we also believe in the importance of developing strong character, habits of mind, and a joy of learning.
At R.I.S.E our staff, scholars, and families develop strong personal relationships with the goal of creating a tight-knit school community that produces scholars who are:
1) critical thinkers
2) life-long learners
3) agents of social change
Many of our staff grew up and/or still reside in communities like ours. Therefore we possess the life experiences and practical skills to help guide our scholars through the many real-world challenges that they will face on a daily basis. We look forward to building such close relationships with each and every one of you!
Welcome to R.I.S.E!