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About Thomas Wilhelmsen
Thomas Wilhelmsen is Chief Financial Officer at Halogen in oslo, oslo, norway. Halogen is a Design Services company in Nedre Slottsgate 13-15
Oslo, Norway 0157, NO with 115 employees
Thomas Wilhelmsen Social
Thomas Wilhelmsen Work
Thomas Wilhelmsen is the Chief Financial Officer @Halogen
Halogen is one of Norway’s leading design consultancies. Since 2001, we have specialised in service design, user experience, digital solutions and design for safety critical environments. No matter if we design complicated systems, intricate processes or high tech advanced physical solutions, our approach is always human centred. We work with some of Norway’s largest, most innovative and exciting enterprises in both public and private sector in a variety of industries, including health, energy, building and construction, defence and public administration. Halogen is owned by its employees.