L.S.V. Minerva is de grootste studentenvereniging van Leiden, met ruim 1.700 actieve leden en 30.000 reünisten. L.S.V. Minerva kent tientallen subverenigingen en subcommissies die door het academische jaar heen tal van activiteiten en evenementen organiseren. L.S.V. Minerva is opgericht in 1814 en daarmee de oudste studentenvereniging van Nederland.
L.S.V. Minerva is the largest student association of Leiden, with over 1.700 active members and 30.000 former members. L.S.V. Minerva has many sub associations and sub committees, which organize a variety of activities and events throughout the academic year. L.S.V. Minerva was founded in 1814, which makes it the oldest student association of the Netherlands.