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About Thomas Rees
Thomas Rees is Director & Consultant Archaeologist at Rathmell Archaeology Limited in Unit 8 Ashgrove Workshops
Kilwinning, North Ayrshire KA13 6PU, GB. Previously worked at Fife Council as Professional Assistant (Archaeology). Rathmell Archaeology Limited is a Construction company in Unit 8 Ashgrove Workshops
Kilwinning, North Ayrshire KA13 6PU, GB with 6 employees
Established in 2003 by Thomas Rees and based in Ayrshire in south-west Scotland, Rathmell Archaeology has established itself as a leading provider of commercial archaeological services and as a consultant to a limited number of Local Authorities in Scotland.
We operate to a strict code of practice and ensure that all of the projects we have an involvement in, be it for a commercial client, Planning Authority or Community Project conform to standards as specified by the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA).
We attribute our success to the strong graduate workforce who apply academic rigour to every aspect of their work. Between them, they bring a depth of expert knowledge and range of specialism which has allowed us to offer services to a variety of different types of clients and projects.
Whilst working largely within a commercial context, as an organisation we have unashamedly remained passionate and enthusiastic about Archaeology. Our commitment to supporting and encouraging community projects and educational initiatives is ongoing.