Reelation is a "Social Dating Platform" based on a "trust path".
Everyone's friends all have single friends that we may never have met. Through Reelation, each member looking for romance will be connected to other single people he is linked to through a "best friend" chain. The key idea is to enhance the "trust path" where each friend represents an intermediary link.
Within Reelation, members can not be contacted by random strangers, but only by recommended single relations of their own friends. They then belong to a network where their profile is instantly authenticated. This insures that there are no phonie profiles and makes Reelation a self-moderating system that naturally fosters trust and safety.
Reelation also welcomes couples since many single people meet their significant other through mutual friends. Opening Reelation to couples is a judicious way to develop a pre-screened, high-quality social network.