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About Thomas Rücker
Thomas Rücker has 2 current jobs including Ceo & Co-Founder at IPOL GmbH in erfurt, thuringen, germany, Member Of The Supervisory Board at automotive thüringen. IPOL GmbH is a Business Consulting and Services company in Mühlenstraße 25
Ilmenau, Thüringen 98693, DE with 30 employees
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Thomas Rücker Work
Thomas Rücker is the Ceo & Co-Founder @IPOL GmbH, with experience in Member Of The Supervisory Board @automotive thüringen
Our vision is the ideal factory - a place where work is efficient, successful and goal-oriented. Since 2006, we have been offering our customers worldwide a unique combination of hands-on support in challenging situations, strategic realignment and optimization of their production and logistics processes, and support for their digital transformation to maintain competitiveness.
Together with you, we realize the ideal factory that satisfies customers, employees and decision-makers alike, because quality and delivery reliability inspire, the working environment motivates to new top performances every day and the bottom line is the business result.
As a pragmatic, implementation-oriented process consultancy, we challenge the status quo of lean management and, as a strategic partner at your side, prove that it is possible to improve any process. With appropriate strategies and an extensive methodological toolbox, we work with you to quickly initiate the right changes and achieve measurable success. IPOL supports your managers and employees in building an appreciative, performance-enhancing and socially responsible corporate culture in order to increase the added value of your company.
Wertstrom- und ProduktionsoptimierungMaterialflussoptimierung und LogistikplanungEnergieeffiziente Fabrik- und ProzessplanungWerkstruktur- und FabrikplanungInformationsflussanalyse und -optimierungAuditkonforme ProzessgestaltungEngpassmanagementAnlauf- und VerlagerungsmanagementSchlanke FabrikLean Operations