The MGZ – Medical Genetics Center is an owner-operated practice with on-site laboratory for human genetics headquartered in Munich, Germany. The MGZ provides genetic counseling and diagnostic genetic testing services with the highest professional competence in many medical specialties of human genetics. With 10 locations, the Medical Genetics Center offers genetic counseling services throughout southern Bavaria.
Our team of 16 medical specialists provides personalized genetic counseling to local and international patients and genetic consultation support to fellow clinicians on a daily basis. At our on-site nationally accredited medical genetics laboratory in Munich, we perform molecular genetics and cytogenetic analyses, using state-of-the-art analytical methods.
Spanning 20 years of experience, with a team of more than 130 employees, the MGZ is committed to providing comprehensive genetic consultations for patients, high-quality diagnostic procedures and a consiliary exchange for fellow clinicians.
Erbliche TumorerkrankungenRetardierungs- und DysmorphiesyndromeNeurologische ErkrankungenMitochondriale ErkrankungenKardiovaskuläre ErkrankungenNierenerkrankungenLeber- und PankreaserkrankungenHormon- und StoffwechselerkrankungenAugenerkrankungenHörstörungen