Thomas Gill
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Work Experience
Highlands Affiliate
2007 - Present · 17 years and 11 months
gill and associates
1996 - Present · 28 years and 11 months
Jan 1997 - Present · 27 years and 11 months
1996 - Present · 28 years and 11 months
Company Details
The Highlands Company, sole publisher of the Highlands Ability Battery™ (HAB). Administered online, the HAB is an aptitude assessment that objectively measures one’s natural talents through performance based-timed worksamples. Within the context of the Highlands Whole Person Method, nearly 300 Certified Consultants administer the HAB worldwide, currently active in the following locations; USA, Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Jordan, Germany, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom. The purpose of the Highlands Method is to facilitate awareness of natural talents, the most powerful piece of self-knowledge available for creating one’s personal vision to success and satisfaction in work and life. Highlands Consultants consist of Career Practitioners, Counselors, Educators, Psychologists, High School and College Counselors/Administrators, Life Coaches, Pastors, Missionaries. As publisher of the Highlands Ability Battery, the gold standard among human assessments, our first priority is to equip Highlands Consultants with the tools needed to service their clients with practical information in the application of the knowledge gained through testing. Highlands provides continuing education to our Consultants in the administration of the HAB and the Highlands Whole Person Method. Support services such as Highlands teleconferences and open teleclasses are ongoing. We encourage Highlands Consultants to network within, to share experiences, and to learn from each other, as they grow and prosper.
Year Founded
Social Media
Professional Training and Coaching
HQ Location
2001 Palmer Ave., Suite 103 Larchmont, NY 10538, US
tural abilities testingprofessional developmenthighlands ability batteryleadership trainingHABWhole Person MethoWhole Person Modelstudent abilities testult career testbilities assessment
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