Adams County Education Consortium is a small nonprofit founded in 2005 to partner with education and industry to become part of Adams County workforce development pathways solution. We work with students and their supporters from age 13-26 in all 7 Adams County School Districts – Westminster, Adams 12, Adams 14, Bennett, 27J, Mapleton and Strasburg and local public charter schools to connect districts with resources, programming, and events to broaden students’ postsecondary options, workshop their career skills, and strengthen pathway and certificate programs in high school. Serving a county with many school districts is a unique model that allows for deep cross sector partnerships and a need for ACEC to help coordinate services for students across districts. Through the combined cooperative efforts of Adams County school districts, post secondary education institutions, local governments, community based organizations, and the business community, we will develop a county wide partnership that will enhance personalized academic skills development, profession exploration, and relevant work ready skills for earner groups in Adams County.