Academy 4 is a non-profit organization that provides a one-on-one mentor from the community to EVERY 4th grader in Title One schools across the Fort Worth, Dallas, Austin, and Memphis area. Our volunteer mentors serve together once per month on Friday's on the school campus during regular school hours, becoming a tangible manifestation of community for the students and school staff. We partner with churches, high schools, universities, businesses, and community groups to recruit the large number of volunteer mentors needed for the program. Volunteers learn firsthand the needs of schools, children, and families in their communities. They are empowered to move past mere transactional generosity into a relationship-focused involvement that positively encourages underserved youth and their families. Students walk through a leadership development curriculum with their mentors, in which they learn a new leadership trait each month (Listen, Encourage, Attitude, Develop, Example, Respect, Serve).
You can take part too! Visit our website ( and sign up now to be a mentor. Be a part of something great! Volunteer today and make a difference!