The mission of Neighbors in Action (NIA) is to help the neighborhood of Port Houston grow spiritually, physically, emotionally and intellectually; resulting in a community that is self-sufficient and outreach-focused. Port Houston is considered a food desert and has no health facilities, pharmacies, grocery stores, fire station, or even fast food restaurants. Groceries are only available at a few overpriced convenience stores on McCarty St. There is minimal public transportation, with most bus routes requiring connections downtown. Many families cannot afford an automobile. The only government facility in the neighborhood is Port Houston Elementary. In prior years the U. S. Dept. of Justice has closed bars and prosecuted individuals participating in organized, widespread sex trafficking on Clinton Dr. at the south end of the neighborhood. Numerous bars continue to operate on McCarty St. and adjacent side streets. Port Houston Elementary is zoned almost exclusively for students of the Port Houston Neighborhood and the student demographics reflect the composition of the neighborhood. 99% of students are Hispanic, 98% receive free or reduced lunch, and 68% are English language learners.
Neighbors in Action was founded by First Methodist Houston in 1995, incorporated in 2004, and opened a community center in the neighborhood in 2012. We currently offer programs for all age groups seven days a week, such as:
• Bible studies, small groups, and worship nights for children, teenagers and adults
• Adult education programs
• Tutoring and mentoring; after-school programming
• Retreats, mission trips and community service projects
• Emergency support such as rent assistance, and home repairs