At Muskoka411 we believe you should get the news as it happens.
Whether it’s a breaking story, local and cottage country traffic updates, or up-to-the-minute weather details, Muskoka411 is committed to bringing you the most timely, factual and comprehensive news coverage in the District.
With our top notch team of reporters, traffic spotters, photographers and tips from you, the public, we’re here to make sure local news is delivered as it happens 24 hours a day/365 days each year.
Along with news, our Do Muskoka venture provides social media and event, design and print services, all from our new Do Muskoka Shop located at Muskoka411 headquarters at 130 North Muskoka Road in Gravenhurst, where we also sell our own designer brand wearables and collectibles.
So whether it’s spring, summer, fall or winter, Muskoka411 has you covered with the daily info and services you need.
Let our team be a part of your team right here in the heart of Muskoka.