Established in January 2015, the Durdy Bayramov Art Foundation (DBAF) is a non-profit organization located in the former home of the artist in Toronto, Ontario. We are dedicated to celebrating the life and legacy of Durdy Bayramov by inciting cultural exchanges and stimulating the vitality of the arts by actively engaging artists and the public through a variety of initiatives including exhibitions, research and educational outreach activities. We also strive to create opportunities for young and emerging artists to pursue their dreams in the arts.
The Foundation is committed to expanding knowledge and art appreciation through collections-based research and publication, as well as facilitating access for scholars and the public to our permanent collection, library, and archives.
To celebrate Durdy Bayramov's life and legacy through inspirational, educational programs which cultivate cultural exchanges and stimulate the vitality of the arts
Making known Durdy Bayramov’s work throughout the globe, and in the spirit of his practice, leading an artistic community where everyone can learn, be inspired, explore and create