Analogix Semiconductor designs and manufactures semiconductors for the digital multimedia market, from portable devices such as smartphones, notebooks, and VR head mounted displays, to large, high-definition TVs and high-end graphics cards.
Analogix is the market leader in providing end-to-end interface connectivity semiconductor solutions for DisplayPort under its SlimPort brand, including high-speed signal conditioners, and an industry leader in mobile display controllers, such as low-power, high-speed timing controller solutions.
Semiconductor Manufacturing, Backplanes, Graphics Accelerators, Computer Components, Automation & Electronics, Analog Semiconductors, Semiconductors, Electronic Components, Integrated Circuits, Radio
HQ Location
3211 Scott Blvd.
Suite 100
Santa Clara, CA 95054, US
Display PortMobile Display Timing ControllersSlimPortDisplay ConvertersIP Cores and ASICsVirtual Reality