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About Tasha Fu
Tasha Fu has 2 current jobs including at Boffin China, Inc. in Changsha, Hunan, China, at Boffin China, Inc.. Previously worked at SDL as undefined. Boffin China, Inc. is a Translation and Localization company in 1077 Nan Hai Ave. Shekou
B&H Plaza, Suite 602-610
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518067, CN with 12 employees
We help Language Service Providers(LSP) expand and grow.
How can you expand your firm in today’s highly competitive market, when translation and localization services are becoming commodities? Thousands of translation agencies claim to offer top quality, low prices, and state-of-the-art technology, which means that what used to be your compelling differentiator no longer compels—or differentiates.
Commoditization also means that, to stand out from the crowd, you must do more than sell your firm’s services; you must also double your efforts to build and maintain close-knit client relationships, to unearth deeply buried client pain and pleasure points, and to go the extra mile to make clients’ jobs easier—these are the compelling differentiators of the 21st century.