BEKS Shipmanagement & Trading S.A. was established in May 2011 with the intention to engage in the management of ocean-going vessels.
The Company's main target and strategy is to become a reliable and prominent company in the sea transportation industry with modern fleet in the dry cargo market.
The Company’s vision is to engage in management services and shipping in the international maritime sector, meeting international industry standards in both business management and life, property and environmental safety with high-quality and young ships and sustaining a presence over future generations.
The company’s mission is to grow continuously, effectively and productively in the maritime sector, creating a fleet of young ships of tonnage and types that comply with the contemporary quality management standards of the maritime trade, robustly expanding to carry the company into tomorrow along the lines of its vision and in a manner that will benefit both shareholders and employees.
The Company's services comprised of operating, maintaining, crewing and Chartering. These vessels are trading worldwide in the high quality standards with safety , economically and beneficially.
The Management’s headquarters are located in Istanbul, Turkey.
Our vision is to provide services with leading quality and effectiveness in the industry and make our staff and partners happier and more passionate. Our company aims for ZERO harm to people, ZERO pollution, and high industry standards and establish long-term, mutually beneficial and transparent customer relationships
Our Team
Our Office and Ship staff are suitably qualified as per international standards and carry out operations safely and securely by considering the company’s core values.
The collective experience of all our personnel is the most crucial asset in the way achieving Company’s targets.