Under the umbrella of Mayar Holding Company:
1-Gulf Elevators & Escalator Company (GEEC)
2-Fuji Saudi Arabia for Elevators & Escalators Company
3- Hitachi Elevator Saudi Arabia Ltd.
4-Elevator Solutions for Operation & Maintenance (Veion)
5- Egypt Gulf for Elevators & Escalators Company
Our Mission:
To be successfully and easily identified group as the most trusted supplier for all kinds of elevators & escalators and the best worldwide high quality providers and safety methods of the applied installing with the most efficient maintenance costs for all kinds of firms within Saudi Arabia & globally.
Our Vision:
Mayar is recognized by its customers, its employees and along the general public as the leading escalators & elevators company. Mayar caters the needs of everyday life with their consumer and service products, target offering at all levels of society and their specific needs in terms of quality of life.