One of India’s leading Non-Banking Finance Company ‘Akasa Finance Limited’ earlier known as Pooja Finelease Limited, has been spread across seven states pan-India with a AUM of Rs.200 Crore. Akasa Finance Limited is an ESG - environmental and social impact centric NBFC that want to use finance as an intermediate to endorse conversion to electric mobility, reduce the carbon footprint of the country and finance the under-banked segments of society who are not able to consume formal banking channels and help them to mature their business and meet their personal needs.
We have financed a significant number of E.V. in India in the last five years, exceeding 25k vehicles funded to date and present across five states in India. We are currently focused on expanding our geographical footprint and product range to meet the growing demand of shift towards clean mobility in the country.
Among the blossoming and bound to grow market, our strategy is to provide top service to our dealers and competitive rates to our customers. The target is to empower an ecosystem where transformation to E.V. becomes easier for customers when comparing the initial acquisition cost with I.C. engines. We diligently work with manufacturers to guarantee the quality of products and are actively mounting our territorial range to ensure we can serve customers from the maximum area.