Georgia Bureau of Investigation - a State agency that contains the Investigative Division, the Georgia Crime Information Center, and the Division of Forensic Sciences (the crime lab). The GBI is a law enforcement assistance agency. Generally, the GBI must be requested by the chief executive of a law enforcement agency before it can, by statute, initiate a criminal investigation.
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The GBI moderates third-party content on its social media sites and reserves the right to restrict or remove comments that contain the following type of language:
• Threatening, discriminatory, obscene, hateful, or profane
• Offensive terms that target protected classes
• Harmful to the reputation of any person or organization
• Suggesting or encouraging violent or illegal activity
• Information that reasonably could compromise individual or public safety
• Advertisements or solicitations of any kind
• Off-topic posts or repetitive posts that are copied and pasted or automated
• Promotion or endorsement of political campaigns or candidates
• Personal information including, but not limited to, identification numbers, phone numbers, and emails
We respect each person’s right to free speech under the First Amendment, and we will not infringe upon that. However, the types of comments listed in this updated policy reach beyond this protection and can negatively affect other users. Effective immediately, comments that fall under any of these categories will be removed from our social media platforms.
Please continue to comment and engage with us through social media. The goal of this policy is to ensure a safe place for you to engage with each other and our agency. If you want your comment to remain on our page or a post, simply follow the guidelines listed.
Full social media policy:
Law Enforcement, Administrative & Specialty Services, Government agencies and services
HQ Location
3121 Panthersville Rd
Decatur, Georgia 30034, US
Criminal justice assistance on investigative matters