Carpentaria is a not-for-profit organisation with a 50-year history of providing Disability and Therapy Services for children, adolescents and adults in the Northern Territory. Our innovative and flexible services empower people to thrive and live a great life. We are committed to a philosophy that respects the rights of individuals to make informed choices about their lives.
We have a permanent presence in Darwin and Alice Springs, and provide fly-in Therapy Services to remote communities including Maningrida, Ramingining, Millingimbi, Galiwin'ku, Katherine, and Tennant Creek.
Our full range of services includes:
* Therapy Services (including Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology and Counselling)
* Independent Living programs
* Pathways Program
* Specialist Disability Accommodation
* Employment and Training
* Specialist Behaviour Support