سودان فلم فاكتوري تعمل على تدريب الشباب على أساسيات صناعة الفيلم في السودان، وتقدم دعمها التقني والمعرفي واللوجستي لصناع الأفلام
Sudan Film Factory aims at qualifying and building the capacities of young
Sudanese talents, producing films “made in Sudan”, as well as exposing a Sudanese audience
to films, film making and cinema. Through supporting the creation of Sudanese, regional and
international networks, a cultural exchange fosters the exchange of ideas, opinions and
General Information
Sudan Film Factory is an institute that serves as an umbrella for a range of activities in the field of film making, filling the current gap in Sudan and supporting a qualified training program to develop the cultural infrastructure of film making.