Founded in 1982 by Msgr. Vincent E. Puma, our mission is to provide care and support for people who are struggling with poverty, hunger, homelessness, and addiction. Our recovery-oriented community of social services and behavioral health programs empower these individuals to lead healthy, independent, stable lives.
Programs and services include:
Community Kitchen feeding our hungry neighbors and residents of our shelters and halfway houses
Emergency Overnight/Temporary Housing
Recovery Community Center offering peer-to-peer based substance use disorder support
Outpatient Substance Use Disordrer Programs offering clinical support and Medically-Assitsted Treatment (MAT) where needed
Outpatient Mental Health services
Workforce Development
Childcare for the children in our Halfway House for Women with Children
feed the hungryshelter the homelesstreat the addictedfree medical carefree dental careNew Jersey charityeducation and job traininganti-povertysoup kitchennj donations