►Looking for:
A production plant for all your chocolate manufacturing needs 100% Canadian | An R & D department at the forefront of products and recipes innovation | Certified chocolate manufacturing partner 100% Peanut Free and BRC Food Certification
► Chocolat Lamontagne Expertise
Family business established in Estrie region (East of Montreal) since 1978, and still run by the family Lamontagne, Chocolate Lamontagne Inc. is THE reference in chocolate products under private label and as contract-manufacturer in Canada and the United States.
Chocolat Lamontagne Inc. is dedicated to the constant innovation of its receipes and products to provide our customers with high quality products, manufactured in a safe production environment, BRC Food certified at the lowest cost possible among other chocolate manufacturers.
Our recipes:
All natural milk chocolate, All natural dark 45% chocolate, Belgian recipe Milk chocolate, Milk Chocolate Premium, Premium Dark Chocolate, Dark Chocolate 73% Cocoa, Custom Formula.
Our products
Fruits and nuts chocolate covered (almonds, cashews, raisins, cranberries and more), Chocolate bars, Individually wrapped-bite size, seasonal chocolate products (Mini bars, chocolate bunnies and more).