The World Duchenne Organization (WDO) is a worldwide organization connecting 52 member patient organizations from 39 countries dedicated to finding a cure and viable treatments for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a degenerative and fatal neuromuscular condition that affects mainly boys and men. Approximately one in 5,000 live male births worldwide results in Duchenne.
The WDO has made it its mission to promote good standards of care, inform patients and create a hub to support and evolve our activities through dynamic advocacy and an active, vocal and informed patient body around the globe.
Our notable advocacy partners include the European Patient's Forum, EURORDIS, ENMC and Rare Diseases International. WDO is an eligible member of European Medicines Agency.
Hospitals and Health Care
HQ Location
Landjuweel 34
Veenendaal, 3905 PG, NL
Defeating Duchenne Muscular DystrophyRaising awareness through campaigns and actionsAdvocacyInforming and sharing knowledge with parents and familiesDeveloping Standards of CareGathering data and insight into DuchenneFighting for social inclusionProper genetic testingand New born screening