With a yearning desire to provide world-class educational opportunities to meet global challenges, The Nabadigant Educational Trust (NDET) established a variety of learning environments under the aegis of the Koustuv Group of Institutions (KGI). The academy has been vital in establishing KGI. At KGI, we share the philosophy of creating merit, through a collaborative atmosphere tactically designed and structured to bring out and amplify the talents of all its students.
Students are nurtured and encouraged to integrate academic inputs focused on real-life scenarios. Our State-of-the-art campus with its latest facilities creates a pool of knowledge-driven education. In addition to this, our co-curricular and extra-curricular activities help in exploring the creative facets of our students.
The first step towards the goal was the College of Engineering Bhubaneswar (COEB), established in the year 1999, under the leadership of Er. Prabhat Ranjan Mallick, Chairman KGI. This was further expended by establishing the Koustuv Institute of Self Domain (KISD) in 2001, Koustuv Business School (KBS) in 2006, Koustuv School of Engineering (KSE) in 2006, Koustuv Institute of Science (KIS) in 2007, Naxatra Institute of Media Studies (NIMS) in 2009, Koustuv Institute of Professional Studies (KIPS) in 2018, Koustuv Research Institute of Medical Studies (KRIMS) in 2020.