Our mission is
1. to help rebuild the lives of vicitms of modern slavery in Australia (with a survivor school)
2. end modern slavery in Australia (through social enterprises & advocacy)
3. partner in the fight to end global slavery (through networks and the MSA)
This is outworked through:
1. Our Survivor School - which is empowering survivors of modern slavery in Australia, to rebuild their life, their confidence and find employment. The goal is that they can live independent, successful lives. We are the only long-term specialised care for victims of slavery in Australia.
2. Our Social Enterprises - finance the administration of our school and support our mission to end global slavery. We sell ethical online retail, wholesale, and corporate gifting nationally. In Sydney, we offer ethical catering, weddings & events in our venue (pictured) and a cafe in Waterloo.
3. Our Partnerships and Ethical Business Services - also fund the school, the mission and influences policy through MSA consulting, a Modern Slavery Risk Assessment and Measurement Platform (R.A.M.P); various modern slavery advisory groups and networks. The Freedom Hub partners and local community partner to help finance the survivors classes & education. Business partners provide work experience and short term paid employment to give our survivors the experience & skills required to find long term employment.
All donations are fully tax deductible.