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About Susie Barnett
Susie Barnett is Founder - Managing Director at SR Group in Suite 2 Level 10
52 Phillip Street
Sydney, NSW 2000, AU. SR Group is a Financial Services company in Suite 2 Level 10
52 Phillip Street
Sydney, NSW 2000, AU with 9 employees
Susie Barnett Work
Susie Barnett is the Founder - Managing Director @SR Group
The SR Group assists a wide variety of businesses and individuals, traversing many different industries. We have represented individuals and businesses ranging in size up to 2000 people, achieving significant results for a diverse range of people including small-to-medium businesses, families and retirees. Three businesses operate under the SR Group umbrella being SRG Advisory, SRG Debt Management and SRG Advocacy.
SRG Advisory provides services to businesses experiencing financial distress, tailoring advice and developing specific strategies to improve their financial outlook. We also assist start-ups with their financial goals through a financial framework.
SR Group Debt Management provides debt management and settlement solutions for individuals to prevent bankruptcy, allowing them to rebuild your future. We negotiate on behalf of clients to eliminate their debt, whether that be personal loans, credit cards or car loans etc.
SRG Advocacy specialises in working with victims of deceptive and misleading conduct and financial fraud, with the aim to achieve compensation for groups and individuals.