We are Worxpertise – a provider of business process services, solutions and technologies.
What we do is driven by 3 words: Execute > Enable > Excel
Our aim is two-fold:
1. Small to Medium Scale Enterprises (MSME): to enable them to perform to their full potential in terms of sustained business growth and managing market demand swings.
2. Large/Global Enterprises: niche services - e.g. Sales/Demand Seasonality Spike Management; Speech-2-Text Conversion & Propensity Analytics; High Volume Order Processing etc.
Bi-furcated focus logic:
a. Most MSMEs often lack adequately skilled resources or technologies in some specialized, but critical areas for driving sustainable business growth and managing the challenges from sudden market swings.
b. As a relatively new and small player we have deliberately focused on highly targeted offerings for Large Enterprises that address specific business challenges.
A key area of our expertise is maximizing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) by increasing customer loyalty through consistent delivery of superior customer experience. The 3 major expected business benefits are:
a. Increased Wallet Share – through repeat/cross purchases
b. Enhanced Customer Retention – due to consistent delivery of superior customer experience
Note: (A x B) = CLV
c. Lower Cost of Customer Acquisition – driven by high loyal customer referrals and word-of-mouth.
Customer Experience, however, is the ultimate outcome of transactions that touches almost every business process and function – that is why our portfolio of services, solutions and technologies span all critical Front/Mid/Back office processes.
So, whether you are considering outsourcing for the first time or you have already outsourced or have no intention of outsourcing – we think it will be still worth your while to talk to us and see how we execute our services & solutions to enable your business to consistently excel.