The Federation of Hong Kong Industries was established under Ordinance, Cap 321 of the laws of Hong Kong, in 1960. The objectives of the Federation are:
1. to promote and foster the interests of Hong Kong's industrial and business communities;
2. to promote trade, investment, technological advancement, manpower development, and business opportunities in Hong Kong;
3. to represent business's views and advise the government on policies and legislation which affect business
The General Committee is the Federation's policy-making and management authority, while the Secretariat is responsible for policy implementation and day-to-day operations.
Non-profit Organization Management
HQ Location
31/F, Billion Plaza,
8 Cheung Yue Street
Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, HK
Advocacy for Hong Kong IndustriesFacilitating Business NetworkingMainland SupportIntellectual Property ServiceReindustrialisationGrooming StartupEvent ManagementFostering Sustainable DevelopmentVenue Rentaland Certification and Trade Declaration