Green Writers Press is an independent, women-owned, Vermont-based publisher whose mission is to spread a message of hope and renewal through the words and images we publish. Throughout we will adhere to our commitment to preserving and protecting the natural resources of the earth. To that end, a percentage of our proceeds will be donated to environmental and social-activist groups. In the past ten years, Green Writers Press has expanded significantly, publishing authors such as Julia Alvarez, Chard deNiord, Dr. M Jackson, former Vermont Governor Madeleine Kunin, Congresswoman Becca Balint, Sharyn Skeeter, Ha Kiet Chau, and Clarence Major. The start-up publishing company was invited to be part of the Women’s Convention in 2017, was a finalist for the Association of Writers and Writing Programs’ Publisher of the Year Award, and was a recipient of The Vermont Literary Inspiration Award in 2019. In 2023, GWP Founder Dede Cummings was selected to appear on “The Innovation Station,” at the Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/GWI) at the U.S. Department of State. Read more at