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About Susan Mellstrom
Susan Mellstrom is Math Teacher at BART Charter Public School in pittsfield, massachusetts, united states. BART Charter Public School is a Education Administration Programs company in 1 Commercial Street
Adams, MA 01220, US with 28 employees
Founded in 2004, BART is a nationally recognized, award-winning, tuition-free public middle and high school (grades 6-12) focused on preparing students for college. 100% of BART’s graduates have passed a college course and have been accepted into college prior to graduation, despite the fact that only 20% of BART parents have graduated from college. BART is consistently ranked among the top schools in Massachusetts for student academic growth in both English and math and, in 2012, 100% of BART 10th grade students were proficient or advanced on both the ELA and math MCAS exams (1 of 4 schools in the state to achieve this result). BART’s program has been highlighted by Harvard Graduate School of Education, New Leaders for New Schools, and the National Center for Time on Learning in their research and dissemination of best practices.