I’ve spent a decade crunching numbers for nursing homes, dreaming of a job that fueled me with passion. My role consisted of digits while words called my name- customer service emails, employee letters and training manuals got me through the day.
It took a providential series of events for me to find my calling- healthcare conversion copy creator and marketing consultant.
Where you get to benefit from my grueling decade of experience and knowledge of the tizzy of regulations and jargon that cloak the world of healthcare operations.
Think: no time wasted on deep-dive research where you have to explain every detail of your operation to your copywriter.
Like Ralph Mashitz, CEO of Careflow said. “Mrs. Jerusalem is an absolute pleasure to work with, her talents extend well beyond marketing and copy, impacting the essence of our brand. Her knowledge of the healthcare industry shone through every interaction giving us insights only an insider can bring out . She helped us solidify our brand voice, target market and positioning, packaging it all into the most impactful flowing copy. Mrs. Jerusalem is a natural, if you are looking for marketing strategy and copy for your healthcare brand, you can't afford to hire anyone but her."
I’ve sent out bills to 5,650 nursing home residents and filed 3,450 Medicaid applications. Tracked admissions for 10 nursing homes and presented aging reports to 15 different nursing home owners. Which means that the nuances of the clients you want to attract is my first language.
I look forward to talking, shoot me an email at projects@workwithparadigm.com to discuss your project details.