Derek O'Brien, Asia's best-known quiz master, began his professional career as a sports journalist but soon shifted to advertising. After working for a number of very successful years as Creative Head of Ogilvy, Derek decided to focus all his energy and talent in his passion - quizzing.
He began his own company - Big Ideas, which today has evolved into Derek O'Brien & Associates - a family of 62, whose mission it is to make knowledge interesting!
Through various programmes and activities involving over 3,500 schools across India, Derek O'Brien & Associates reaches out to over 12 lakh students every year.
Public Relations and Communications Services
HQ Location
Green Acres
23E Ahiripukur 1st Lane
Kolkata, West Bengal 700019, IN
Quiz Shows to build brandsSchool Relationship ProgrammesKnowledge Game Shows to build brandsContent for printdigital and electronic mediaSoft Skills / Personality Development Programmesand Publishing - Quiz & Reference Books; Prescribed GK text books