Dhruv Comfort Seating
Commenced as a
Sole Proprietorship (Individual)
based entity,
“Dhruv Comfort Seating”
is engrossed as the prominent
in this industry since
The chief headquarter of our corporation is settled at
Ezhil Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
The products we offer to our customers comprises of
Office Chair, Revolving Chair, Workstation Chair, Executive Chair, Computer Chair and many more.
We are support with skillful panel of professionals and hi-tech manufacturing unit, which gives us a competitive advantage to execute the production operations competently in this domain than the other market players.
Furniture and Home Furnishings Manufacturing, Furniture Fittings & Fixtures, Furniture, Metal Slats, Base Metals & Articles
HQ Location
No 5, Thoppai Vinayagar Street, 'A' Block, Ezhil Nagar, ,
CHENNAI, Tamil Nadu 600118, IN