BWI - which stands for Blue Water Intelligence, was established in June 2022 in Toulouse, France.
BWI clients like to see us as their basin digitization company.
BWI specializes in the monitoring of inland surface water reserves around the globe. BWI brings together in-situ data, spaceborne observations and machine learning to feed and empower hydrological and hydrodynamical models, and provide clients with data and insights on their points of interest.
A provider of online subscription-based services, BWI aims to make scalable - across space and time - hydrological forecasts to address climate change induced water stress.
Improvements in the prediction of water availability, water quality, floods, and droughts at local and regional scales will help the population and businesses build climate resilience, as well as enable scientists to understand the water cycle deeper.
Environmental Services, Installation and maintenance services for the catering industry, Food, drink, tobacco and catering industry machinery and equipment, Agriculture & Food
HQ Location
8 impasse Boudeville
Toulouse, 31100, FR
waterhydrologyearth observationremote sensingSaaSmachine learningclimate changedatahydropowerenvironment