Community Living Limited offers commissioners, stakeholders, service users and their carers an opportunity to keep specialist in-patient stays within the community or as close to home as possible.
Community Living Limited is underpinned by the following key aims;
• Managing the crisis at the point of crisis
• Promoting increased connectivity with home area treatment teams, and service user’s carers by having good transport links and being centrally located
• Promoting reduced lengths of stay and offering independence at the earliest opportunity by existing in the heart of communities and enabling on-going pathways
• Providing specialist services that meet the needs of the community and the individual
• Supporting individuals who need our care to transition into and out of our service by providing dedicated support via our transitional worker
Community Living Limited acknowledges;
• Inpatient stays should be for the shortest amount of time possible
• Inpatient stays form part of the overall pathway for an individual in crisis
• Inpatient stays should be integrated into the community ensuring high levels of local support and maintaining as much independence as possible