Software should work the first time and every time. Tescom is here to make sure it does.
We are an international professional services firm providing software quality assurance and testing expertise.
Since 1990, we have given our clients confidence in the outcome of their system development and implementation projects. We do not create custom software or implement packaged applications but we do make sure they are delivered as promised.
With over 500 professionals around the globe, we have the experts and processes to ensure that software does its job, so you can do yours. Tescom is traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.
Among our solution offerings are the following systems, practices and industries:
Manual Functional Testing
Automated Functional Testing
Performance Testing (Benchmark, Load,Stress & Endurance Test)
Security Testing (Security Design Review, Penetration Test, Vulnerability Assessment and Source Code Review)
Other Services
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
3 Church St, Samsung Hub
29th Floor
Manual Functional TestingAutomated Functional TestingPerformance Testing (BenchmarkLoadStress & Endurance Test)Security Testing (Security Design ReviewPenetration TestVulnerability Assessment and Source Code Review)