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About Sue Lee
Sue Lee has 2 current jobs including Visitor Centre Assistant at Nene Park Trust in peterborough, united kingdom, Pa at Hytner Exhibitions Ltd. Previously worked at posthouse hotels as Conference Bookings. Nene Park Trust is a Non-profit Organizations company in Ham Farm House
Ham Lane
Peterborough, Cambs PE2 5UU, GB with 34 employees
Nene Park Trust is the registered charity which looks after Nene Park in its entirety. Established in 1988 to ensure that the Park would be managed and protected forever, the Trust looks after all maintenance, coordination of the Park's activity programme and administration of commercial properties in the Park.
The core purpose of the Trust is to:
Provide facilities for recreation, education and leisure
Establish parkland facilities
Conserve and safeguard wildlife
Preserve, restore and develop park features (infrastructure)
Our strategy 'Doing More with More' aims to focus on our charitable objectives to provide a more enjoyable Park and a better service to our visitors and also to take full advantage of our charitable status through the development of fundraising and seeking voluntary and partnership support.
Nene Park Trust's charitable objective is:
To provide for the recreation of the public by the provision of a Park for the benefit of the inhabitants of Peterborough and visitors with the object of improving the conditions of life for such persons.