In the heart of Odisha, where dreams take shape, the extraordinary tale of MAYFAIR unfolds. It began humbly in Rourkela in the 1980s with Tandoor, a fine dining restaurant in the steel city, marking the inception of a remarkable journey. Over four decades, MAYFAIR has evolved into a distinguished luxury hotel chain with 17 extraordinary properties, boasting a legacy of over 30 years. From tranquil lakeshores to sun-kissed beaches, each Mayfair property is a picturesque destination nestled in the heart of nature.
Mayfair Hotels & Resorts, synonymous with unparalleled hospitality, takes pride in its rich heritage and culture adorned with vintage treasures. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to creating unforgettable experiences, ensuring every guest enjoys a stay beyond compare. Embracing the mantra "STAY WITH US, STAY WITH NATURE," we passionately offer a unique blend of sophistication and natural beauty.