Handsam Ltd was founded in 2008 and is a leading provider of online management systems, consultancy services and advice to both the education sector. Our specialisms include Health & Safety management, policy writing, risk assessments, consultancy and advice in all areas involving security, fire, premises management, trips and visits, curriculum safety, first aid and medicines, training and data protection. Our online management systems support staff working in schools to evidence compliance, record acccidents and deliver training and produces live management reports for governors and trustees. We also offer health and safety audits and fire risk assessments. Working in the education sector is our specialism and we have a range of clients from the smallest rural primary to the largest secondary schools, many of which are in Multi-Academy Trusts, but also include stand-alone academies, maintained schools and independent schools.
Through our team of leading experts and specialists, Handsam also offers consultancy on a wide range of subjects including but not limited to: full audits of new or existing buildings, premises and facilities, health and safety seminars, a regular health and safety themed email newsletter, policy writing and disaster emergency planning.
For more information, or for any queries you may have please do not hesitate to contact Handsam at: 03332 070737 or email us at: info@handsam.co.uk.