Uhlala | Empowering LGBT People in the Working World
Welcome to Uhlala
Since 2009 we have been supporting, connecting and empowering LGBT people in their career and brought them together with companies and organizations that take a stand for LGBT diversity. We pursue this goal with different projects.
Since 2013 we have also committed to increasing the number of women in leadership positions. Our project PANDA supports talented women, brings them together and gives them a chance to develop and get in contact with companies.
Website: www.uhlala.com
Our Projects:
STICKS & STONES | Die digitale Job- und Karriereplattform
für Lesben, Schwule, Bi und Trans, die sich beruflich weiterentwickeln wollen
UNICORNS IN TECH | The Global Tech Community for LGBT and Straight Allies
RAHM | The Global LGBT Leadership Contest & Community
PRIDE 500 | Das LGBT Arbeitgebersiegel für stolze Unternehmen und Organisationen
ALICE | Das LGBT Karriereportal & Netzwerk für Juristen
PANDA | The Women Leadership Contest
Human Resources, Fair Service, Event's Requirements, Works Equipment
HQ Location
Wichertstraße 9a
Berlin, Berlin 10439, DE
Vorträge LGBT+ DiversityLGBT+ KarriereeventsLGBT+ Diversity ConsultingGender DiversityRecruitingand Employer Branding