Founded in 1997, HES-SO is the largest of its kind in Switzerland. Its 6 faculties and 28 schools are spread over the whole of Western Swit¬zerland, and are strongly anchored in the regional economy. With over 19’400 students, it shares the most beautiful cities and areas in the French-speak¬ing region of Switzerland. HES-SO schools are all endowed with cutting-edge technology and outstanding equipment. They constitute an exceptional network to promote innovation, to offer practical training and to favour transfer of knowledge.
HES-SO ambitions to play an important role on the international scene. Numerous collaborative partnerships have been established with universities in Europe and around the world. HES-SO guarantees top-level teaching quali¬ty within a sophisticated applied research environment that nurtures close links with Swiss professional associations. HES-SO awards university degrees that are practice-oriented and euro-compatible: 46 Bachelor degree programmes, 20 Master degree programmes and more than 250 recognised continuing education courses.
The HES-SO works together with other academic and research institutions in Switzerland and abroad.