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About Steven Kadiev
Steven Kadiev has 3 current jobs including Chief Executive Officer at Neo-H2 in 724 Main St W
Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730, US, Director Cardiovascular Icu Atrium-Pineville at Atrium Health, Medical Staff President at Carolinas ContinueCARE Hospital at Pineville. Neo-H2 is a Oil and Gas company in 724 Main St W
Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730, US with 2 employees
Steven Kadiev Social
Steven Kadiev Work
Steven Kadiev is the Chief Executive Officer @Neo-H2, with experience in Director Cardiovascular Icu Atrium-Pineville @Atrium Health
Neo-H2 LLC has developed, tested and produced an efficient fuel reformer and purification system that has the ability to produce and purify hydrogen-rich reformate gas from alcohols such as methanol & ethanol on-site, on-demand and without the need for hydrogen storage for use in conventional internal combustion engines (ICE) and in fuel cell (FC) applications for both mobile and stationery applications. At the core of our hydrogen generation system lies a unique catalyst used in the conversion of the alcohol fuels to hydrogen. Our proprietary catalyst and technological process are the result of more than 20 years research and experimental work.