Our Brand: Ingenuity in manufacturing technology: Past, Present, Future
Our Mission: To capture the imaginations of young and old with the spirit of innovation, problem solving and design as demonstrated through the dynamic story of the machines and the people who form the foundation and future of manufacturing in America.
Our Museum: Housed in the 1846 Robbins & Lawrence Armory, a National Historic Landmark, we hold the best collection of historic American machine tools in the nation. Exhibits are open to the public 10am - 5pm daily, from May through October, and by appointment in the winter.
Our Aspirations: To offer programs that inspire young people to design, innovate, and problem-solve in the manufacturing technology industry. To build communities that foster a strong manufacturing future. To care for and use our collections and historic property to inspire new generations of innovators.
Our Beliefs: The museum’s goal is to educate, inspire and involve a new generation in manufacturing technology. We do this by creating engaging exhibits, programs and electronic media that invite them to:
• experience the history of manufacturing technology at work,
• grasp its impact on society, individuals and the products we rely on,
• engage in telling the story of precision manufacturing, its ongoing evolution and exciting future.