Credit scores are based on information in the underlying credit file. No information means no score. No score means no sale when applying for credit. eCredable is changing that. The age of “user permissioned data” is here, and eCredable is empowering the consumer or small business owner with the ability to add information to their credit files.
For consumers, we work directly with the consumer who opts-in to share their online account payment histories for phone, internet, and utility accounts. This information is not typically available in major credit files and has proven to be predictive for risk - especially when no other information about the consumer’s payment history is available. We create FCRA compliant tradelines suitable for consumption by consumer credit bureaus and lenders.
For small business owners, we work directly with the owner who opts-in to share their online account payment histories for phone, internet, and utility accounts used in the operation of their business. This information is not typically present in business credit files - especially for start-ups and young companies that have yet to build a business credit history. We are currently reporting this information to the Experian Business Credit File which affect’s the associated Experian Business Credit Score. Any lender using this score in underwriting could benefit from working with eCredable to create a “second look” program for current credit declinations. We are seeking relationships with issuers of business credit cards to build a Marketplace of business credit card offers based on this score as well.