Star Academy is a unique elementary school, founded in 1997, offering academic level curriculum from Kindergarten through Grade Eight. We recognize that every child learns differently and provide a personalized education to meet the needs of each student. Our low student-teacher ratio ensures that our teachers are able to deliver a differentiated and engaging programme. We provide a daily physical education programme, integrated technology for all grade levels, an 11 month school year, as well as homework help and tutoring.
Positive early learning experiences are crucial in the development of children. These experiences are linked with later school achievement, emotional health and social well-being. When preparing to enrol children in elementary school, it is important for parents to consider the choices available for elementary education. At Star Academy, we are confident that we can provide a positive learning experience that will respect and uphold the academic goals and priorities that parents have for their children. Star Academy delivers a 'learn to love to learn' philosophy that lasts students a lifetime.
Come and see how our values in Academic- Global- Physical- Individual- Social/Emotional are all integral parts of our unique programme. Please do not hesitate to call us at 905-891-1555 or visit our school website at