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About Stevan Ilic
Stevan Ilic is Marketing Specialist at Metropoliten in Belgrade, Serbia. Previously worked at Metropoliten as Junior Marketing Specialist. Metropoliten is a Retail company in Ulica Zmaja od Noćaja 9
Belgrade, 11158, RS with 5 employees
Established in 2006 as Serbia's first "niche" fragrance store, Metropoliten was a trailblazer in introducing this innovative and unfamiliar perfumery concept to our country.
We challenged our audiences with fragrances that not only serve as fashion accessories, but also provoke a range of reactions - from the controversial to the intriguing, the familiar to the attractive, and from "this is interesting" to "love it!"
Fast-forward to today and "love it!" is a prevalent choice. Our passionate audience keeps up with the most essential "niche," "art," and "indie" fragrance brands and trends in our three Belgrade stores. We constantly fuse the art of olfaction with interior design and offer an unparalleled fragrance experience from the first spray on the blotter to the final scent on the skin.
Prvu srpsku “niche” parfimeriju otvorili smo 2006. u centru Beograda. Ovaj pionirski poduhvat je stavio na test našu istrajnost, poslovnu strategiju i uverenje da će, pre ili kasnije, ovaj nov parfemski koncept biti prepoznat i prigrljen kao nova vrednost. Na testu je bila i parfemska publika, čije su se reakcije menjale od “čudno” do “zanimljivo”, od prvih mirisnih simpatija do velikih parfemskih ljubavi.
Test je odavno iza nas. Danas je Metropoliten, sa tri parfimerije u Beogradu, drugo ime za niche, art i indie parfemske trendove.
Metropoliten funkcioniše u sastavu kompanije Do-ing, vodećeg distributera prirodnih, organskih, luksuznih i dermokozmetičkih brendova u Srbiji.