Michael Knights Property and Wealth Coaching was formed as a result of a growing number of clients wishing to create wealth in the real estate market. The question has always been - who should I consult? My Accountant - they may be able to give advice regarding the tax implications, my Financial Planner - they may be able to give advice around the cashflow projections, my Mortgage Broker - they can give advice about the financing, my Solicitor - they can give advice about the legal aspect, my Real Estate Agent - they will usually only show me properties they are trying to sell - they generally won't do the due diligence - but really, there is no known profession who can actually show you how to make serious money in property and property development - until now.
Michael Knights Property and Wealth Coaching is the culmination of over 44 years experience from 2 professionals who have not only helped hundreds make massive profits with property, but are actually doing it themselves.
The benefits to you include a full coaching and mentoring programme over a 12 month period which will educate and inspire you to build a multi million dollar property portfolio using one or a number of our proven successful strategies. Maybe you would like to be super active and embark on a number of renovators, maybe you would like to be a bit more passive and go for a cashflow positive programme, or maybe you want to go straight for the gold medal - and work on a land subdivision. Either way, we will be right beside you offering all of our exerience, introducing you to our team of specialists and in some instances teaming up with you on some of the larger jobs.
Need to know more - contact us.