Belfast Central Mission is an agency of the Methodist Church. It was founded in 1889 as part of the Church's response to problems inherent in inner-city life. The motivation was then, as now, to meet the needs of the whole person, spiritual, emotional, social and physical regardless of class, creed or ethnicity.
Today, BCM continues in that tradition through its congregations at Grosvenor Hall and Sandy Row and through its wide range of social care projects and community services throughout Northern Ireland. BCM's professional social care is set within a context of Christian belief, though no religious commitment is required from its staff or anyone wishing to benefit from its services. BCM's purpose is to express the Christian faith in action, through a basic respect for human dignity, and thus commend it to others.
Its current services include:-
Community Services - Wednesday Lunch Club, Tea Dances, Befriending, short breaks for older people
Supported Housing for young adults leaving care - Belfast, Bangor, Newtownards, Dungannon
Housing Support for young people (16-25) and older people (55+) - Belfast, Dungannon/Armagh, Newtownards
Therapeutic Counselling for vulnerable young people - Newtownards
Residential Accommodation for Older People - Belfast
Parent Support Projects - Dungannon, Newtownards
Christmas Support Programme
Volunteer Programme